
My hard drive is back and my nights of reading, crafting and playing with my cat are on hold again. Well, not so much the playing with the cat... That time's just too precious.

As you probably know by now, Dick Cheney is coming to town. Personally, as long as he doesn't deliver a ticket to Guantanimo with my name on it, I'm thrilled he's coming.

Someone like him standing beside Ray Meier shows me clearly what Ray Meier stands for.

Crude, rude talking that we don't accept from our children. At the very least, it was immature, uncivilized and pointless.

Making profits over pain and suffering.

Leaking the name of an undercover operative.

Uber-macho hunting.

Energy Bills made by energy companies.

Influence peddling.

And the list doesn't stop there.

Two items, I could say was coincidence. But this really is a case of where there's smoke, there's a raging inferno.

Certainly, we are protected from guilt by association... oh, never mind. I'm sure there's a list somewhere with my name on it simply because I'm Muslim along with a lot of other names listed for the very same reason. Once upon a time in America, we used to live under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. By naked Imperial decree, that document has been shredded.

Besides, long before America was born, people where known by the company they kept. Standing with this Badministration also means standing for the immorality of the Badministration.

I do find it hilarious though that the Meier crew is trying to spin this visit as a display of the pull the NY State Senator has with the Badministration.

That ocean-front property down the road is still for sale if you buy that spin.

It's the Orwellian newspeak that Shrub is so fond of in action here. Meier doesn't have that pull. Cheney and buddies have that kind of push. And Meier will goosestep along as he always has.

Honestly... if the pull really went the way they want us to believe, would we have really had to wait DAYS before we in Oneida County were declared qualified for FEMA aid after the local flooding that people saw on CNN?

Honestly... if the pull really went the way they want us to believe, would NYRI, the people who would like to bring us the Power Lines and Higher Electricity Costs, have gone to the Badministration for approval for said plans, thereby skirting around state rights?

Honestly... if the pull really went the way they want us to believe, would the Federal minimum Wage be significantly lower than NY's? After all, Central NY is the proverbial ruptured artery when it comes to population loss. Wouldn't that much clout have qualified to at least try to create a level starting field?

Honestly... if the pull really went the way they want us to believe, wouldn't some of those "powerful and influential people" have even noticed that we existed for the last 6 years?

Honestly... (said with a huff)

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